We all want to be in control of our time. We want to manage our life in a way that we can balance all of the things we want to do (leisure) and the things that's making it possible for us to do so (career). This is the ideal. Life however is not that simple. Entering our adult life has its excitement and joy but it also has with it the challenge of taking responsibility for how we use our time. One of the challenges that I faced as I enter my adulthood is time management. It seemed that as I made my way out of college and into the workforce, I suddenly found myself surrounded by deadlines, tasks, and priorities. Adding to all these is the necessity of handling my personal life in areas like my finances, relationships, and personal development. I found myself juggling them all for months, feeling stretched out in the process, until I read about a time management concept called The Rule of 3. The rule of 3 concept is originally from J.D. Meier's book Getting results the agile w...