Stephen Covey, a renowned management teacher, shared to the world a framework for good living in the form of the book The 7 habits of highly effective people. More than 30 years after its publication in 1989, Covey's ideas and insights continue to change the lives of people today. The book remains an influential toolkit in navigating our psychology as adults in our present fast-paced society. From article: The 7 habits of highly effective people overview. The power of Covey's idea lies in how he developed the habits as interconnected steps towards growth and maturity. Covey provided a software, as Jim Collins described it in his foreword for the book's 30th anniversary edition, that makes personal development manageable and pragmatic. For my blog post this week, I would like to revisit my favorite out of the 7 habits. The habit of self-renewal or, as Stephen Covey termed it, the habit of Sharpening the saw. * * * By sharpening...