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There's no other way but practice

Photo by Thao Lee on unsplash

There are no shortcuts in life. This is a fact that I think everyone of us should understand early. No matter how much we desire life to be easy, it just won't be the case. We have to work our way up. 

Our aspirations and ambitions won't land on our lap magically. We have to put in work, get on the rough roads, and learn to cope with the challenges that life brings. We have to practice living, and there's no other way around it.

Every effort to trespass being competent either by cheating or letting others do the work for us, will forever rest on fragile foundations. Life is like a big practice mat: every inadequacy and weakness that we have will be exposed and made known. The only thing that we have to do is to practice, even if its hard. Even if our emotions are telling us not to. Because our unwillingness to accept what life brings us won't stop it from testing us. Challenges will come whether we like it or not. The best thing that we can do is to be prepared whenever they come.

One might ask why life is this way. Why is it sending us this challenging tests? There's only one answer that I can share at this point of my life right now. And it is that life tests us because it is the only way for us to grow. Conquering hardships is simply the shedding away of our former selves into a new one that can withstand more challenges. One that is capable of expanding into new heights. An enhanced self that is is in harmony with reality, capable and ready with whatever life brings about.

Now then, do we want life to caught us unprepared, lacking, weak? Or do we want it to see us capable, competent, and ready? Practice is hard but it is the true key that will make our life easy. The unfoldment of our life will depend on our willingness to practice, and enter into hardships.

Will we be willing to struggle in the mat of life? Will be willing to face ourselves, own our weaknesses and expand into growth? It is challenging, as it should be. But it will be worth our efforts. For through practice, we will yield strength, mastery, and peace with ourselves, and with life itself.


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